*Early bird price offer ends 23:59 (BST) Wednesday 4 June 2025.
Delegate terms and conditions (including cancellation policy)
In-person | |||
Ticket types | 2 Day Early bird price* | 2 Day ticket standard price | 1 Day ticket standard price |
RCGP member | £569 | £744 | £499 |
RCGP fellow | £499 | £639 | £439 |
RCGP First5 member | £299 | £424 | £299 |
GP registrar member | £299 | £404 | £259 |
Member on parental leave | £299 | £424 | £299 |
Retired member | £299 | £369 | £259 |
Non-member | £699 | £849 | £594 |
Non-member on parental leave | £569 | £744 | £499 |
Allied health/Non-GP | £299 | £369 | £259 |
Foundation year doctor | £199 | £254 | £159 |
Undergraduate student | £139 | £169 | £109 |
*Early bird price offer ends 23:59 (BST) Wednesday 4 June 2025.
Delegate terms and conditions (including cancellation policy)
Any cancellations that still have payment outstanding will be liable for either the administration fee, 50% of the registration fee or the full registration fee, dependent on the date and time of the cancellation.
Substitute delegates are welcome at no extra charge but we require you to advise us of any substitutions (including full contact details, dietary and accessibility requirements) no later than Monday 29 September 2025.
Delegate terms and conditions (including cancellation policy)
The RCGP works in partnership with Haymarket Media Group who organise the RCGP Annual Primary Care Conference & Exhibition 2025 on our behalf.
©2024 Royal College of General Practitioners.
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