
The RCGP Annual Conference programme undergoes a peer review process by experienced GPs to ensure that the information presented is both relevant and insightful. Only the top-rated sessions submitted by RCGP members are chosen to be presented at the conference. 

This event is made possible by sponsorship from organisations including pharmaceutical, med tech companies and service providers none of which have influenced the event agenda or the choice of speakers. Sessions delivered with input from these organisations are marked as such on the programme and include: Almirall, A. Menarini Farmaceutica Internazionale SRL, AstraZeneca, Camurus, Chiesi, CSL Seqirus, Gedeon Richter UK, Idorsia Pharmaceuticals UK Ltd, Orchard Therapeutics, Organon Pharma (UK) Limited, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Europe Ltd, Pfizer.

View the full list of sponsors 

  • Session booking is subject to availability on a first-come, first-served basis. Plenary and sponsored sessions are not available to pre-book.
  • For Group Bookings - session booking can only be completed by the person who booked your registration ticket. If your registration is part of a group booking, the booking contact will need to login and book your session choices on your behalf.
  • Basic Life Support Sessions - due to the practical nature of this session, capacity is limited. The conference organisers have increased the number and frequency of Basic Life Support Sessions available throughout the conference, in response to delegate feedback.

Easily filter through the programme based on your chosen topic / stage.

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Day 1

Day 1 Opening Plenary

09:00 - 10:15

Welcome Talks

Conference Chair’s welcome - Dr Margaret Ikpoh, Vice Chair (Professional Development), RCGP 

Prof. Kamila Hawthorne MBE, Chair, RCGP Council 

Prof. Sally Lewis, Value in Health Management, Swansea University 

Prof. Bob Klaber, Consultant General Paediatrician; Director of Strategy, Research & Innovation at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust 


10:15 - 11:15

Sponsored sessions

10:20 - 11:05

SS.1 The Role of Primary Care in Migraine Treatment: Recent Advances in Acute and Preventive Approaches

Sponsored Sessions

10:20 - 10:50

SS.2 The importance of diagnosing myeloma earlier

Sponsored Sessions

Myeloma patients experience some of the longest delays in diagnosis of all cancer patients. These delays leave many patients with extensive, yet avoidable, complications. Dr Stephen Hawkins, a consultant haematologist, will explore the issue of delayed diagnosis of myeloma and highlight its impact on patients. You will also hear from Mark Scott a myeloma patient, who experienced life-changing complications due to a delayed diagnosis. The session will highlight Myeloma UK’s initiatives designed to support healthcare professionals across the diagnostic pathway to improve the care of myeloma patients.

10:20 - 10:50

SS.3 Overview of the hepatitis C elimination programme and progress to date.

Sponsored Sessions

In the 30-minute presentation slot, Mark and Aneesha will cover the following:

  • Overview of the hepatitis C elimination programme and progress to date. 
  • Priorities for the hepatitis C elimination programme in 2024/25 and 2025/26. 
  • The important role primary care has to play in identifying remaining undiagnosed hepatitis C infections and how attendees can be involved in the elimination programme. 
  • The important role primary care will have to play in testing/referring for treatment when we reach the ‘maintaining elimination’ phase. 
  • There will also be a chance for attendees to ask questions to Mark and Aneesha.

10:55 - 11:10

SS.4 Sponsored session

Sponsored Sessions

10:55 - 11:10

SS.5 Introducing Gedeon Richter’s Women’s Health portfolio (promotional presentation)

Sponsored Sessions

Highlighting some of the products in our women’s health portfolio

11:15 - 12:00

11:15 - 12:00

1.1 Responding to emergencies in Primary Care: From GP registrars to GP administrators

Leadership & MDT Interactive session GP Registrar

45 minutes

Within military medical centres and in the role one space, medical officers are required to ensure they and their teams remain up to date in responding to medical emergencies. We spend time in GP training upskilling trainees in pre-hospital care in preparation for potential deployments to austere environments.  But how often do we run scenarios in our GP practices to help us and our teams deal with medical emergencies? With increasing time and manning pressures, how do we integrate emergency practice in a safe space? 

In this session we will learn from each other's current practice. Attendees will be provided with pre-prepared moulages to trial in the session and take away with them to trial in their own workplace. 

11:15 - 12:00

1.2 Ageism – how it undermines our careers, our care for patients, and our contribution to the workforce

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in General Practice Interactive session Later careers

45 minutes

Age is the one protected characteristic that all of us experience – but it is often forgotten. Ageism at any stage can expose us to discrimination and negative attitudes, and can influence our options and opportunities. In earlier years, it can act as a barrier to new roles and development. Later, the transition for GPs towards retirement can mean loss of status, and unnecessary loss of productive work roles. This workshop will use evidence and examples from members of lived experience of conscious and unconscious bias to raise awareness, and help us be ‘active bystanders’ to confront ageism.

11:15 - 12:00

1.3 To the guidelines and beyond - Improving asthma care for our population

CPD: Clinical Topics Presentation First5 GP Registrar

45 minutes

Asthma affects 5.4million people in the UK across age groups. The vast majority of diagnoses and long term management throughout life is in primary care. National guidelines (BTS / NICE / SIGN) released in November 2024 suggest very significant changes to making the  diagnosis and in management of asthma across the UK. This session will discuss the pragmatic practicalities of implementation and cover the clinical tips that will help improve care (support planetary health) and make clinical care easier. It will be aimed at the active clinician wanting to improve the care they provide.

11:15 - 12:00

1.4 How to get involved in research in Primary Care


45 minutes

11:15 - 12:00

1.5 Bridging the gaps in health equity. Meaningful activity and work as a health outcome. The role of the GP practice

Health Inequalities Presentation

45 minutes

Meaningful activity/work is a determinant of health and as GPs, at the heart of the community, we see the impact that good and bad work has on our patients every day. The evidence is overwhelming. In 2019 the AoMRC launched its work and health consensus statement detailing how the health service could respond to this health inequality, yet very little has changed. The updated consensus statement will be relaunched in 2025. We will show you how you could make small changes within your consultation to help reduce this health inequality in your patients and demonstrate the benefit it can bring.

11:15 - 12:15

1.6 Adult Safeguarding

60 minutes

11:15 - 12:15

1.7 Basic Life Support Workshop

Recap and refresh on BLS, CPR procedures, CPR, Adult, Child, Infant from the UK Resus Guidelines, and Agonal Gasping. 

Practise CPR on Adult, Child and Infant manikins, and how to use an AED (Training Defibrillator)

On leaving the course everyone will leave with a Certificate of Attendance for the BLS session, stating that Adult, Infant and Child CPR has been included and safe use of an AED, a first aid book and a revive aid face shield.

Oral Poster Presentations

11:15 - 12:00

1.8 Oral Poster Presentations

45 minutes

11:15 - 12:00

1.9 Oral Poster Presentations

45 minutes

12:10 - 12:55

12:10 - 12:55

2.1 Managing Multiple Medicines: Case-based workshop

CPD: Clinical Topics Interactive session First5 GP Registrar

45 minutes

“If I take any more pills, I’ll rattle doctor” … What can we do?

Prescribing is one of our key skills. Medicines can be life saving but can also cause harm. We are dealing with considerable complexity, how do we navigate the risks and benefits?  This workshop aims to build confidence in Managing Multiple Medicines and will be based on real-life case scenarios, with opportunity to discuss, share good practice and consider everyday medicines dilemmas. We will highlight tips & tools to take back to practice.

Join Dr Lucy Pollock, consultant geriatrician & author and Tessa Lewis, GP to navigate the challenges. 

12:10 - 12:55

2.2 Thriving in Diverse Environments: A Wellbeing Framework

Health & Wellbeing Interactive session GP Registrar

45 minutes

12:10 - 12:55

2.3 Highlighting the Best of General Practice Research

45 minutes

This session demonstrates the range of wonderful research that has been conducted in and with general practice. The winners of the RCGP Research Paper of the Year present their findings and implications for you in your practice. The studies presented often influence evidence-based guidelines which influence our practice. We will also hear from the Outstanding Early Career Researchers. Come along and see how you can get involved in research in your practice.

12:10 - 12:55

2.4 Healthy people, healthy planet: how lifestyle medicine and sustainability are two sides of the same coin

Sustainability Presentation GP Registrar

45 minutes

The session explores how lifestyle medicine's six pillars—nutrition, physical activity, sleep, stress management, substance reduction, and social connection—promote both personal health and environmental sustainability. This session will highlight the intersection of healthcare practices that benefit individuals and the planet, with insights from Greener Practice and resources from the RCGP’s Net Zero hub. Attendees will learn how adopting sustainable practices in healthcare not only improves patient outcomes but also reduces the sector’s environmental impact, supporting a healthier future for all.

12:10 - 12:55

2.5 Skilled worker visa rules and their effect on GP training (Live experience from IMG recently qualified GP)

Medical Education Presentation First5

45 minutes

The aim of the session is to increase awareness among colleagues in primary care about the skilled worker visa rules and their impact on training and on trainees and newly qualified GPs.

A significant number of our GP Registrars are international medical graduates; and a significant - and rising - number are new to the UK when they start their GP training.

Working whilst on a visa brings additional challenges - logistical, financial, and emotional - which those who have not experienced it may not be aware of.

This session will share lived experience of training and post-CCT life on a visa. In addition, it will share information on the visa requirements that new NHS GPs may continue to have post-CCT and encourage colleagues to explore how their practices could become visa sponsors.

2.6 - coming soon

12:30 - 13:30

2.7 Basic Life Support Workshop

Recap and refresh on BLS, CPR procedures, CPR, Adult, Child, Infant from the UK Resus Guidelines, and Agonal Gasping. 

Practise CPR on Adult, Child and Infant manikins, and how to use an AED (Training Defibrillator)

On leaving the course everyone will leave with a Certificate of Attendance for the BLS session, stating that Adult, Infant and Child CPR has been included and safe use of an AED, a first aid book and a revive aid face shield.

Oral Poster Presentations

12:10 - 12:55

2.8 Oral Poster Presentations

45 minutes

12:10 - 12:55

2.9 Oral Poster Presentations

45 minutes


12:55 - 14:10

Sponsored sessions

13:00 - 13:45

SS.6 Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

13:00 - 13:45

SS.7 Managing Chronic Insomnia in Primary Care - Real-World Experience

Sponsored Sessions

  • Introduction, Sleep Project and Chronic Insomnia in Primary Care, Dr Eidn Mahmoudzadeh, GP, Manchester

  • Case studies in treating Chronic Insomnia, Dr Zoe Schaedel, GP, Brighton

  • Questions and Answers.

13:00 - 13:30

SS.8 Effective Contraceptive Counselling

Sponsored Sessions

This promotional presentation has been fully funded and developed by Organon

Attendees will be given an insight into how to effectively counsel women on range of contraceptive options

13:35 - 13:50

SS.9 Probiotic Supplementation in Adults with Major Depressive Disorder

Sponsored Sessions

This talk will:

Outline briefly the role of the gut-brain axis in depressive disorders and the potential of gut microbiome modulation in mental health;

Present findings from a pilot clinical trial recently published in JAMA Psychiatry:

  • The trial evaluated the effects of an 8 week daily consumption of a 14-strain probiotic blend in adults with Major Depressive Disorder;
  • The results suggested consistent and promising beneficial effects of the probiotic on self-rated and clinician-rated depression and anxiety scores, as well as high acceptability and tolerability;
  • The trial was conducted at King’s College London, in collaboration with ADM Protexin.
The importance of these findings, highlighting the benefits of supplementing the diet with probiotics for mental health, will be discussed.

13:50 - 14:05

SS.11 Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

13:50 - 14:05

SS.10 Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

13:55 - 14:05

SS.12 Making the most of the NHS Pensions Scheme

Sponsored Sessions

A short session on why the NHS pension scheme matters and how to plan for your long term retirement goals.

14:10 - 14:55

14:10 - 14:55

3.1 Creating Empathic Teams in Primary Care

Health & Wellbeing Interactive session

45 minutes

Empathy is a powerful force in healthcare, boosting patient outcomes, practitioner well-being, and reducing complaints. But what about empathy within teams? This interactive session dives into the importance of empathy between colleagues, backed by evidence that it enhances service user outcomes and practitioner resilience. Despite empathy often declining during medical training, research shows it can be taught—and its impact multiplies when healthcare teams work cohesively. Join us to explore the evidence, engage in discussions, and create practical action plans to cultivate a more empathic, connected primary care team.

14:10 - 14:55

3.2 GP trainers and supervisors - tales of outstanding achievement

Medical Education Interactive session GP trainers

45 minutes

Following the outstanding success of the GP trainer session at the 2024 RCGPAC, Margaret and I would like to keep GP trainer support on the agenda.  It was noted at the conference (and in council) that the deaneries are not prioritising trainer support and the RCGP and local faculties can add value to members through this route.  From the session we have some practical and achievable ideas to help support GP trainers and supervisors, which can be implemented quickly.  The ideas will involve little in the way of administration, cost very little indeed and have a high impact.  What we would like to do is share what has happened across the 4 nations, working in collaboration with COGPED (they were very supportive of the session that we ran this year) and energise GP trainers with both practical support, recognising excellence and reinforcing the importance of the RCGP to the training community.

14:10 - 14:55

3.3 Sex, drugs & rock n roll: Equipping GPs with skills & confidence to tackle tough topics in the care of children and young people using the HEADSS assessment

CPD: Clinical Topics Presentation

45 minutes

We know that primary care clinicians are encountering more distressed young people than ever before and may feel ill equipped to assess, signpost and support them with their wellbeing. This session is a dynamic, interactive presentation exploring recent advances and evidence-based, developmentally appropriate healthcare through a deep dive into the backend of the HEADSS assessment. Let's explore how we approach talking to adolescents and young people about Sex, Drugs, and maybe a little bit of Rock and Roll, and how we can improve so our young people feel safe and seen and our clinicians feel empowered and confident.

14:10 - 14:55

3.4 - Session to follow

RCGP Priorities Livestream

45 minutes

14:10 - 14:55

3.5 Chronic Disease Management of Asylum Seekers and Refugees

Health Inequalities Presentation

45 minutes

This session will go through the journey of managing a primary health care centre in a conflict zone from the experience of both speakers who have worked with UK-Med as General Practitioners. We will discuss how we created a chronic disease register and how difficult it was to manage chronic diseases without the necessary resources. We will then discuss in the 2nd half of the talk how important it is to tackle chronic diseases and the common health challenges of refugees and asylum seekers in the UK, giving an insight into why these conditions are poorly controlled.

14:10 - 15:10

3.6 Safeguarding

CPD Essentials Fully booked

60 minutes

14:10 - 15:10

3.7 Basic Life Support Workshop

CPD Essentials

60 minutes

Recap and refresh on BLS, CPR procedures, CPR, Adult, Child, Infant from the UK Resus Guidelines, and Agonal Gasping. 

Practise CPR on Adult, Child and Infant manikins, and how to use an AED (Training Defibrillator)

On leaving the course everyone will leave with a Certificate of Attendance for the BLS session, stating that Adult, Infant and Child CPR has been included and safe use of an AED, a first aid book and a revive aid face shield.

Oral Poster Presentations

14:10 - 14:55

3.8 Oral Poster Presentations

45 minutes

14:10 - 14:55

3.9 Oral Poster Presentations

45 minutes

15:05 - 15:50

15:05 - 15:50

4.1 Developing the educator with the Shaping the Future programme - Action learning sets

Medical Education Interactive session

45 minutes

The flagship RCGP leadership programme Shaping the Future employs the principles and situational learning that is central to Action Learning Sets.

This workshop is aimed at GPs,  GP registrars and ACPs and AHPs who wish to attain additional knowledge and skills around small group facilitation, specifically action learning set methodology. Through our feedback from the Shaping the Future programme, the small group working has consistently been rated as the best and most valued aspect of the programme.  Bringing together peer learning and shared problem solving within a safe space, deep learning and active reflection occurs.

At the end of the session participants will be equipped with new knowledge and skills in the theory and practice of action learning sets to take forward in their own settings.

15:05 - 15:50

4.2 Tips from the top - successful medical leaders share what to do, what not to do and how you can go as far as you want as a GP leader

Leadership & MDT Interactive session First5 GP Registrar

45 minutes

Women, people from black and ethnic communities and disabled people are under-represented in chair and non-executive roles in the NHS.  The Messenger review of NHS leadership, published in June 2022, highlighted within its recommendations the importance of equality, diversity and inclusive leadership. Proportionally GPs are less likely than other medical and other clinical professionals to gain regional and national leadership roles. Clinical CEOs come from varied clinical backgrounds, with 42% from mental health (including psychiatry) and 12% trained in paediatrics. 

This has been brought to the RCGP by members who hope the RCGP can provide developmental opportunities.

The RCGP has a successful Shaping the future leadership programme with Northern Ireland and Faculty participants and a valued offering in Wales. Once a member has graduated from one of these or equivalent leadership programmes, they become eligible to apply to our shadowing scheme where developing GP leaders shadow an established leader for a day or two. Alongside this we provide mentoring of leaders and mentoring by leaders and are considering a leadership coaching offer. This session aims to change the current lack of GPs being accepted onto Aspiring Chief Executive Leadership programmes by a presentation from GP leaders of their routes to their roles focusing particularly on increasing GP leaders from less well-represented groups. GPs from the global majority remain proportionally under-represented in senior positions and the numbers with declared disabilities are particularly low. 

15:05 - 15:50

4.3 Vibrant Faculties

Health & Wellbeing Livestream AiT and GP training

45 minutes

This session will explore what it means to be a leader and uncover leadership opportunties within the College. Through engaging with your local Faculty, these are closer than you think!

Come and find out more about experience and skills you can gain through engaging with your Faculty Board and hear about the groundbreaking ‘Shaping the Future’ leadership programme being delivered to members through RCGP Faculties.

15:05 - 15:50

4.4 Connection is your SuperPower - sharing lessons learned from over 15 years of NHS Practitioner Health. An organisation built on connection.

Health & Wellbeing Presentation

45 minutes

Connection is your Superpower – Sharing lessons from NHS Practitioner Health, arguably the happiest place to work in the world!

Join us for an interactive session that reveals the secrets behind the UK’s NHS Practitioner Health's success as a world-leading mental health and addiction service for healthcare professionals. Built on compassion, care, and connection, we will share evidence-based strategies that strengthen human and social bonds—proven to boost team performance, enhance mental health, and even improve longevity. Discover practical tools we use to foster psychological safety and create thriving work environments. Learn our innovative "5 a day" approach to connection, and leave feeling inspired, energised, and equipped with an action plan to enhance wellbeing in yourself and your teams.

15:05 - 15:50

4.5 Getting it right first time: Genomics-informed prescribing emerges as a tool to improve medicines optimisation in Primary Care

CPD: Clinical Topics Presentation

45 minutes

Pharmacogenomics underpins genomics-informed prescribing, utilising genomic variation to predict medication effectiveness and adverse reactions at patient-level.  NICE guidance CYP2C19 genotype testing to guide clopidogrel use after ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack was published in 2024 with immediate impact in primary care; CYP2C19 genotype is relevant in guiding prescription of Clopidogrel and other common primary care medications including SSRIs and PPIs.  The session will increase confidence of Primary Care prescribers in deploying genomics-informed prescribing by equipping them with an understanding of Pharmacogenomics, implications, and work streams and informatics solutions to support delivery within primary care prescribing workflows and daily clinical practice.

15:25 - 16:25

4.6 Coming soon

CPD Essentials Fully booked

60 minutes

15:25 - 16:25

4.7 Basic Life Support Workshop

CPD Essentials

Recap and refresh on BLS, CPR procedures, CPR, Adult, Child, Infant from the UK Resus Guidelines, and Agonal Gasping. 

Practise CPR on Adult, Child and Infant manikins, and how to use an AED (Training Defibrillator)

On leaving the course everyone will leave with a Certificate of Attendance for the BLS session, stating that Adult, Infant and Child CPR has been included and safe use of an AED, a first aid book and a revive aid face shield.

Oral Poster Presentations

15:05 - 15:50

4.8 Oral Poster Presentations

45 minutes

15:05 - 15:50

4.9 Oral Poster Presentations

45 minutes


15:50 - 16:50

Sponsored Sessions

15:55 - 16:25

SS.13 Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

15:55 - 16:40

SS.14 Treatment of opioid dependence within Primary Care: As rewarding for GPs as it is for patients?

Sponsored Sessions

People with drug dependency are often stigmatised and perceived as ‘complex’ and difficult patients to manage. Consequently, specialist addiction services are largely responsible for treating this cohort. However, there are examples from around the UK, where Primary Care has been shown to be an effective care model for some patients, particularly those who are stable on opioid dependence treatment.
In this symposium, we will showcase a GP Shared Care model in South Wales as an example of a service that is delivering a high standard of holistic care for people with drug dependency, with the prospect that this model could be applied successfully elsewhere.
The GP Lead will discuss her experiences of delivering care for patients, the perceived advantages for patients and GPs, patient outcomes and practical advice on implementation.
We will then hear from a person with lived experience of drug use and hear their perspectives on how treatment within Primary Care has assisted them on their recovery journey.

15:55 - 16:25

SS.15 Prostate Cancer, Barriers to Presentation, Myths and Misconceptions

Sponsored Sessions

Early prostate cancer is often asymptomatic, and as a result almost half (47%) of men are not diagnosed until their cancer has started to advance - when it is harder to treat, and their chances of survival are falling. What do we know about the barriers for men talking to their GP? With a safer pathway in place, how can we ensure highest risk patients are engaging with Primary Care?

In this session we will look at the research that shows barriers to patient presentation in prostate health. We will discuss the digital rectal examination and when to do it, and how to manage high-risk Patients.

16:30 - 16:50

SS.16 Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

16:30 - 16:50

SS.17 Breast Cancer Now: Supporting GPs to support their patients.

Sponsored Sessions

Around 55,000 women and 400 men are diagnosed with breast cancer every year in the UK. Around 60% of breast cancer cases in England are diagnosed because women identify unusual changes in their breast and report these to their GP.This short session will give delegates an overview of the signs and symptoms of primary and metastatic breast cancer and the referral routes. And how Breast Cancer Now can support GPs and other primary care professionals to support all patients affected by breast cancer.

Day 1 Closing Plenary

16:50 - 17:45

16:50 - 17:55

Spotlight: Lived Experience

Three inspirational speakers share their learnings from life's challenges in a series of 15-minute talks

Sabrina Cohen - Hatton, Author, Researcher, Firefighter 

Ashley John- Baptiste, BBC Reporter and Presenter

Day 2

Day 2 Opening Plenary

09:00 - 10:00

09:00 - 10:00

NHS Question Time

Our expert panel answers questions from the audience on all the hot healthcare topics of the day

10:10 - 10:55

10:10 - 10:55

5.1 Stop and Think: Enhancing clinical reasoning in practice

Health Inequalities Interactive session

45 minutes

We will discuss how doctors reason in practice and share common examples of biases that affect our reasoning, the impact they have on patients, and ways to mitigate against these. We will introduce a novel framework, ‘Stop and Think’, and using authentic case-based examples, show the relevance and impact of asking ourselves questions from the framework to support clinical reasoning during a consultation (reflection in-action) as well as afterwards (reflection-on-action ). We will also discuss how we can use questions from the framework to approach challenges related to learners’ clinical reasoning in practice.

10:10 - 10:55

5.2 Can you navigate your way to a GP appointment: an escape room challenge embedded in research into GP access systems

Research & Innovation Interactive session First5 GP Registrar

45 minutes

We present an interactive escape room style small group activity exploring the challenges of navigating GP appointment systems, based on findings from our recent NIHR funded study of access to general practice – Access to General Practice: Innovation, impact and sustainable change.

Using a series of “fiendish” puzzles, we show that while triage systems to get an appointment can seem simple they may be very difficult for some patients, especially when they are unwell. People trying to access general practice may have time constraints in addition to individual and social factors that make using access systems challenging.  We reflect on potential equity and system level implications. 

10:10 - 10:55

5.3 Advance Care Planning: A Masterclass for Frailty and Ordinary Dying

Health & Wellbeing Livestream First5 and Mid careers AiT and GP training Later careers

45 minutes

Recognising “ordinary dying” is a core skill in General Practice, which often provides families with much valued care of their loved one at the end of their life and is equally rewarding for many GPs.

Primary and Community Care deliver the majority of end-of-life care outside of hospital.  In this session, we will explore how fragmentation of care can threaten this important relationship, and how Primary Care has a role in both recognising supporting terminal care for older people in the community.

We will revisit the Gold Standards Framework evidence and provide a useful framework for recognising a deterioration due to frailty how to write an advance care plan with a difference.

10:10 - 10:55

5.4 Child Death - in conversation with a bereaved parent

Health & Wellbeing Presentation GP Registrar

45 minutes

While bereavement in general is a topic that all GPs will be familiar with both professionally and for many personally, bereavement following the death of a child feels different. As a GP who has experienced the death of a child I feel ideally placed to help GPs explore the issues that child bereavement brings for a parent and how they can look to support. This session will be me 'in conservation' about this topic.

10:10 - 10:55

5.5 Session to follow

Medical Education Fully booked

45 minutes

10:10 - 11:10

5.6 Safeguarding

CPD Essentials Fully booked

60 minutes

10:10 - 11:10

5.7 Basic Life Support Workshop

Recap and refresh on BLS, CPR procedures, CPR, Adult, Child, Infant from the UK Resus Guidelines, and Agonal Gasping. 

Practise CPR on Adult, Child and Infant manikins, and how to use an AED (Training Defibrillator)

On leaving the course everyone will leave with a Certificate of Attendance for the BLS session, stating that Adult, Infant and Child CPR has been included and safe use of an AED, a first aid book and a revive aid face shield.

Oral Poster Presentations

10:10 - 10:55

5.8 Oral Poster Presentations

45 minutes

5.9 Oral Poster Presentations


10:55 - 11:55

Sponsored sessions

11:00 - 11:15

SS.18 Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

11:00 - 11:45

SS.19 Role of Digital Therapeutics in Depressive Disorder and Key Considerations for Integration in Practice

Sponsored Sessions

This Industry Satellite Symposium is organised and funded by Otsuka Pharmaceutical Europe Ltd. Information on Otsuka Pharmaceutical Europe Ltd medical devices will be presented at this meeting. This meeting is intended for healthcare professionals only.


General practitioners (GP) play a key role in mental health care and are often the first point of contact for patients with mood disorders.1 Digital therapeutics (DTx) are an emerging non-pharmacological, evidence-based intervention used to diagnose, manage or prevent diseases.2 DTx enables patients to receive treatment remotely and may help address access issues and provide continuity of care.3–5 This session will review the latest research behind CARE for MDD (CT-152) DTx’s mode of action, efficacy and safety profile, and key considerations for implementation alongside standard of care in the GP setting. 


1.      Fleury M-J, et al. BMC Fam Pract. 2012;13:19.

2.      Dang A, et al. J Family Med Prim Care. 2020; 9(5): 2207–2213.

3.      National Institutes of Mental Health. Technology and the Future of Mental Health Treatment. 2023. Available at: Accessed August 2024.

4.      Siwicki B. How virtual reality can help address the mental health professional shortage. 2022. Available at: Accessed August 2024.

5.      One Mind Psyber Guide. Challenges and Opportunities of Mental Health Apps. Available at: Accessed August 2024.

OPE-DM-2400001 (V1.0) August 2024

11:00 - 11:45

SS.20 Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

11:20 - 11:50

SS.21 Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

11:55 - 12:40

11:55 - 12:40

6.1 The role of primary care in genetically informed personalised medicine: A tool for tackling health inequalities

Research & Innovation Interactive session

45 minutes

This session will introduce participants to simple genetic concepts and genetic research relevant to primary care. We will focus on research being undertaken by the session facilitators: how genetic markers indicative of red blood cell conditions, more common in minority ethnic communities, are associated with underestimation of blood glucose by HbA1c. Following this, in small groups, we will use case vignettes to facilitate discussions around proposed pathways to incorporate pharmacogenomics and personalised medicine into primary care.  We’ll discuss the opportunities and pitfalls of personalised medicine; as well as how genomics has the potential to both tackle and exacerbate health inequalities.

11:55 - 12:40

6.2 Toys and Tech - using innovative technology and gamification to develop and implement new teaching for undergraduate medical students

Medical Education Interactive session First5 GP trainers GP Registrar

45 minutes

A fun interactive session looking at ways to introduce toys, technology and games into primary care undergraduate medical education. This session will look at how the community clinical lecturing team collaborated with the learning and teaching academy at Cardiff University, to implement a new teaching day. The day was developed to be an engaging and authentic learning experience to meet the needs of third year undergraduate medical students in helping them to prepare them for their community placements. It includes hands-on demonstrations of 3 components of this day using Lego, a Mr Potato head and Virtual Reality (VR) goggles.

11:55 - 12:40

6.3 Effective consultations for gender identity and sexuality

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in General Practice Presentation First5

45 minutes

This session aims to discuss, offer appropriate advice and help people learn about the GP role in the care of people, of all ages, with concerns about their gender identity or sexuality.

This is not intended to be a debate over the current polarised views that exist with respect to gender identity. This workshop is a pragmatic workshop for GPs and other healthcare professionals seeing people with these issues. A practical, case based, approach to the ten minute consultation and follow up within an healthcare system that is constrained by limited resources and reduced access to services. 

11:55 - 12:40

6.4 Transforming NHS Cancer Screening Engagement: Leveraging Multilingual Resources to Improve Outcomes – A High-Yield Session for Primary Care Professionals!

Health Inequalities Presentation

45 minutes

This session will focus on my project aimed at increasing uptake of the NHS Cancer Screening Programme using multilingual resources. Based on work within an inner-city multi-ethnic Birmingham practice, I will share key findings and demonstrate why these resources are being utilised across the city and reversing negative trends. Attendees will learn strategies for engaging patients from diverse linguistic backgrounds and receive practical tools for implementation in their practice. The session will provide insights on how in primary care, on how primary care professionals can innovate and leverage existing resources to enhance accessibility and care, particularly for non-English speaking communities.

11:55 - 12:40

6.5 How general practice can save the Welsh NHS - Our 2026 Senedd election manifesto launch

Health & Wellbeing Presentation

45 minutes

Our RCGP Conferences are vibrant hubs of discussion about the challenges and opportunities in general practice. When RCGP prepares an election manifesto, we aim to harness those ideas. General Practice in Wales is in crisis. The number of GPs and practices has been falling. Despite these challenges, we believe that with reform and resourcing general practice can not only thrive, but it can be at the forefront of alleviating pressures in the wider NHS.

Hear how RCGP Cymru Wales is making the case that general practice is a big part of the solution to a sustainable Welsh NHS.

11:55 - 12:55

6.6 Safeguarding

10:55 - 12:55

6.7 Basic Life Support Workshop

Recap and refresh on BLS, CPR procedures, CPR, Adult, Child, Infant from the UK Resus Guidelines, and Agonal Gasping. 

Practise CPR on Adult, Child and Infant manikins, and how to use an AED (Training Defibrillator)

On leaving the course everyone will leave with a Certificate of Attendance for the BLS session, stating that Adult, Infant and Child CPR has been included and safe use of an AED, a first aid book and a revive aid face shield.

Oral Poster Presentations

11:55 - 12:40

6.8 Oral Poster Presentations

45 minutes

11:55 - 12:40

6.9 Oral Poster Presentations

45 minutes


12:40 - 13:55

Sponsored Sessions

12:50 - 13:20

SS.22 Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

12:50 - 13:35

SS.23 Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

12:50 - 13:20

SS.24 Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

13:30 - 13:45

SS.25 Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

13:30 - 13:45

SS.26 Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

13:40 - 13:50

SS.27 Making the most of the NHS Pensions Scheme

Sponsored Sessions

A short session on why the NHS pension scheme matters and how to plan for your long term retirement goals.

13:55 - 14:40

13:55 - 14:40

7.1 Teaching with tech: Can Artificial Intelligence help or hinder General Practice education?

Medical Education Interactive session

45 minutes

This session delves into the intersection of traditional educational methods and the rise of AI in planning learning activities for GP trainees and medical students. Dr. Rebecca McConnell and Dr. James Waldron will share insights from their extensive experience in education, exploring the quality, effectiveness, and ethics of AI-assisted educational planning. Participants will compare AI-driven approaches with conventional methods and assess their potential impact. Through interactive activities, attendees will create an educational plan with AI’s assistance and engage in a lively discussion about its risks, benefits, and future implications.

13:55 - 14:40

7.2 The power of debate to promote meaningful inclusion

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in General Practice Interactive session

45 minutes

Debate creates a platform where individuals from varied backgrounds can express their viewpoints. By allowing everyone to participate, it ensures that voices from marginalized or underrepresented groups are heard. Structured debates often require participants to explore opposing views, challenging biases and fostering mutual respect. As a result, participants build empathy, which is foundational to inclusive practices with significant benefits for education, workplace culture and policy. Despite its importance, we are not taught how to debate well and there are no fora that encourage this. This session will explore ways of supporting informed debate within our profession and more widely.  

13:55 - 14:40

7.3 Ask the Chairs

Your GP Career Livestream Later careers

45 minutes

Session details to follow

13:55 - 14:40

7.4 A debate: should injectable weight loss medications be prescribed by GPs to those patients who are eligible?

CPD: Clinical Topics Presentation GP Registrar

45 minutes

Currently we are in a new era where  weight loss medications, such as GLP1 agonists like Semaglutide are being promoted and made available to the general public. 

These medications have been described as safe, effective and transformative for health by some experts.

This session with be in the form of a debate between members of the RCGP ethics committee, with one team for and one against the motion. 

13:55 - 14:40

7.5 Tyfu: growing hidden leadership talent in General Practice trainees in Wales

Leadership & MDT Presentation GP Registrar GP trainers

45 minutes

Our session will provide an overview of the bespoke leadership programme, Tyfu, that we have designed for women GP trainees in Wales who have been identified as requiring additional educational support. We will cover the origins of the programme as well as the content, initial feedback and results.

13:55 - 14:40

7.6 Sharing best practice to reduce health inequalities by engaging ‘Deep End’ GP Practices in health research

Health Inequalities Presentation First5 GP Registrar

In GP practices in areas of blanket deprivation (by Index of Multiple Deprivation), there are several areas of demand and resource mismatch resulting from seeking to serve these areas. It’s difficult to deliver both healthcare and research in these areas but it is essential that practitioners and their patients are given the opportunity to participate in research so that our research is inclusive, diverse and can meet the healthcare needs of underserved populations

This session will explore how engaging and supporting GP practices in these areas to participate in research can reduce health inequalities.

13:55 - 14:55

7.7 Basic Life Support Workshop

Recap and refresh on BLS, CPR procedures, CPR, Adult, Child, Infant from the UK Resus Guidelines, and Agonal Gasping. 

Practise CPR on Adult, Child and Infant manikins, and how to use an AED (Training Defibrillator)

On leaving the course everyone will leave with a Certificate of Attendance for the BLS session, stating that Adult, Infant and Child CPR has been included and safe use of an AED, a first aid book and a revive aid face shield.

Winning Posters

13:55 - 12:40

7.8 Winning Posters

45 minutes


14:40 - 15:40

Sponsored Session

14:45 - 15:15

SS.28 Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

14:45 - 15:15

SS.29 Get to know ‘Good Medical Practice 2024'

Sponsored Sessions

  • The GMC recently published an updated version of Good Medical Practice, the set of standards medical professionals need to follow when working in the UK. 
  • The new standards are a shared understanding of what good practice looks like, for patients and for the professionals the GMC regulate. 
  • Healthcare leaders have a key role in helping to create the respectful, fair and supportive workplaces that Good medical practice is aiming to drive. 
  • Join colleagues from the GMC’s Outreach Team to discuss: 
  • The kind of cultures Good Medical Practice aims to promote 
  • The challenges of establishing and fostering positive, inclusive work cultures in healthcare 
  • The practical strategies healthcare leaders can use to overcome these challenges, and the opportunities they have to do so.

14:45 - 15:00

SS.30 Clinical Indemnity: Training and Guidance

Sponsored Sessions

1. Outcome of the DOH survey in Feb 2023
2. Understand your own risk
3. Training and guidance about clinical indemnity

15:20 - 15:35

SS.31 Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

15:20 - 15:35

SS.32 Inhalers made easy - getting the basics right in primary care.

Sponsored Sessions

Join Dr Steve Holmes for some Top Tips for getting the most out of inhalers. Improve your knowledge of inhaler devices, teaching correct inhaler technique, and ways of supporting patients in Primary Care to get the most from their inhaled medication.

15:20 - 15:35

SS.33 Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

15:40 - 16:25

15:40 - 16:25

8.1 Social Supermarkets: providing a dignified way forward for food insecurity and what General Practice should know

Health Inequalities Interactive session

45 minutes

There is growing acknowledgement of Food Insecurity as an important social determinant of health. Food Banks, initially set up for emergency food provision, are now relied on regularly by many people, including those in paid employment. Linked with this are concerns about the provision of nutritional food for those suffering from Food Insecurity.  In response, various social enterprises “Social Supermarkets” have developed throughout the UK, providing discounted foods with an emphasis on dignity for their users. General Practitioners are often unaware of what local Social Supermarkets offer, including their provision of holistic allied services linked to user wellbeing.

15:40 - 16:25

8.2 Improving cross-sector working - recommendations from the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD)

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in General Practice Livestream First5 and Mid careers

45 minutes

Robust cross-sector working is crucial to support the provision of good quality healthcare.

The National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD) has published over 60 reports on a variety of clinical topics with recommendations to improve both clinical care and the organisation of care. Many of these reports have specifically addressed the importance of a multi-disciplinary team (MDT), which includes primary care, to improve the quality of care provided to patients.

The purpose of this session would be to explore NCEPOD recommendations relevant to primary care, and to discuss ways to increase local implementation.

15:40 - 16:25

8.3 Loud and proud about learning medicine in general practice: how primary care holds the keys to the future of undergraduate medical education in the UK

Medical Education Presentation GP Registrar

45 minutes

For two hundred years, hospitals have been the place to learn medicine in the UK.  Not so primary care, which was late to the party, but has recently become a key factor in undergraduate medical education.  This talk starts by charting the long march of general practice towards increasing legitimacy as a place to learn medicine.  We consider why recent times have seen GP become an increasingly prominent factor in medical education. We then explore what general practice has to offer to medical schools, the challenges we face in delivering student placements - and how we might overcome these.

15:40 - 16:25

8.4 Improving diagnosis of common dermatological conditions in skin of colour

CPD: Clinical Topics Presentation

45 minutes

Dermatology developed as a specialty in Europe in the 19th Century, so the first descriptions of skin conditions were based on their appearance on white skin. However, 200 years later, our textbooks and teaching at every stage of medical education are still lacking in representation of all skin tones. This results in under diagnosis and under treatment of people of non-European ethnicity. 

In this session we will explore the different presentations of common conditions in skin of colour, learning how to recognise and treat people from diverse backgrounds, taking into account lifestyle factors and cultural preferences.

15:40 - 16:25

8.5 Improving General Practice through intelligent use of AI

Research & Innovation Presentation GP Registrar

45 minutes

General practice plays a key role as the primary entry point to the health care system, diagnosing diseases, treating both chronic and acute conditions and coordinating patient care. But general practice is facing many challenges. More people are suffering from multiple conditions, medical records are becoming more extensive and it’s difficult for doctors to identify patterns indicating serious illness. Timely and individualised treatment for each patient is crucial to treat, manage risk and prevent disease in the population.

15:25 - 16:25

8.6 Climate leadership in Primary care

Sustainability Presentation GP Registrar

60 minutes

Greener Practice has undertaken a number of initiatives to support low carbon and sustainable healthcare. We plan to offer practical examples of climate leadership in primary care from the work we have undertaken.

15:25 - 16:25

8.7 Basic Life Support

Recap and refresh on BLS, CPR procedures, CPR, Adult, Child, Infant from the UK Resus Guidelines, and Agonal Gasping. 

Practise CPR on Adult, Child and Infant manikins, and how to use an AED (Training Defibrillator)

On leaving the course everyone will leave with a Certificate of Attendance for the BLS session, stating that Adult, Infant and Child CPR has been included and safe use of an AED, a first aid book and a revive aid face shield.

Closing Plenary

16:25 - 17:30

16:30 - 17:30

Registration, networking, exhibition and ePoster viewing

08:00 - 09:00

09:00 - 10:00

10:10 - 10:55

E1: Mobilizing the expertise of mid career GPs *FULLY BOOKED*

Your GP Career

*Session at capacity*

Your GP Career

In collaboration with the RCGP Professional Standards Working Group, this session will be dedicated to GPs who are mid career. The RCGP has dedicated significant resources to the GP AiT and First Fives. This is the year of the GPs in the midst and the thick of it, to those who have dedicated their professional life to their practices and their patients. We are looking to promote and develop resources specifically for this career stage. By offering a forum and workshop, we will trigger, discuss and understand the professional needs to this group of GPs. We will offer a stage and opportunity to those in clinical practice and to those who are training the future GPs in their practices.

Our colleagues have 10 + years experience as GPs and are facing unprecedented challenges associated with unmet need in local populations, various workforce.

We will hear from colleagues about; a GP trainer – 10 years in and a GP in practice 10 years in – clinical and operational challenges.

This will be captured and developed into an action plan for the RCGP to take forwards through their professional development programme and in collaboration with

Chair: Professor Kamila Hawthorne MBE, Chair of RCGP Council, RCGP

E2: Integrating, embedding, and modernising primary care research

Research & Innovation

The need to move from a “top-down” to a “bottom-up” approach to primary care research has been increasingly highlighted In policy reports. The pandemic demonstrated how when research feels relevant to clinicians and patients, participation levels Increase significantly. However, much more is possible with a wider baseline of engagement at all levels not just in taking part In research but also in developing its direction and making It an Integral part of health care delivery.

The need to move from a “top-down” to a “bottom-up” approach to primary care research has been increasingly highlighted In policy reports. The pandemic demonstrated how when research feels relevant to clinicians and patients, participation levels Increase significantly. However, much more is possible with a wider baseline of engagement at all levels not just in taking part In research but also in developing its direction and making It an Integral part of health care delivery.

Chair: Dr Victoria Tzortziou Brown

E3: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in General Practice & Race Discrimination: How do we change the status quo?

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in General Practice

Nationally, secondary care data has repeatedly shown workplace disparity in discriminatory experiences from patients and colleagues. Whilst work is being done to deliver a national survey for primary care, GP teams have taken the initiative to deliver local surveys. Every survey has identified racial, ethnic or religious discrimination. However, there have been innovative and successful interventions to address these disparities. This session will cover the importance of understanding EDI concepts, and what local experiences have been but also look ahead to learn from what has been delivered to implement change and what else can be done to change the status quo.

Chair: Dr Margaret Ikpoh, Vice Chair (Professional Development), RCGP

E4: Shining a light on the invisible: psychological masonry and reflective practice in primary care

Health Inequalities

This session provides an introduction to the psychodynamic consequences of adversity as they can manifest within primary healthcare settings, and provides an aspirational and relational description of what is often referred to as ‘trauma-informed practice’. It will shine a light on the invisible world of relational care and explore through common scenarios how complications with the care relationship can arise from experiences of early adversity and cause ongoing problems for both patient and clinician.

Chair: Dr Michael Mulholland

E5 Quality Improvement Short Papers

A quality improvement project at Kirton Lindsey and Scotter Surgery to reduce the use of paper in consenting process by 50% by obtaining consent digitally.
Presenter: Satpal Shekhawat, GP Partner, Kirton Lindsey and Scotter Surgery

improving the well-being of administration staff in GP surgery – a collaborative approach to reducing stress levelso
Presenter: Sarah Peterson, GP partner cql, NHS Tayside

Evaluation of the ‘GP Daffodil Standards for Advanced Serious Illness and End of Life Care’ in UK General Practice
Presenter: Stephanie Sivell, Research Fellow / Marie Curie Research Associate, Cardiff University

Educating and empowering students to be the drivers of sustainable change
Presenter: Angela Millar, Lecturer in Undergraduate Healthcare Improvement, University of Dundee

Chair: Dr Jane Wilcock

E6: Innovation & Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Short Papers

“A rose by any other name: would re-branding help general practice?”
Presenter:Tanvi Cheetirala, Medical Student, University of Glasgow

AI and Health Equity in Primary Care: A qualitative, inductive stakeholder exploration of how AI can be implemented in a manner beneficial for health equity. Presenter: Alexander d’Elia, GPST and PhD student, University of Liverpool

Introduction of a transgender healthcare teaching session to General Practice trainees
Presenter: Demi Thompson, GP trainee, Mid Yorkshire Hospital

A patient-centred, interactive digital decision tool to individualise menopause care
Presenter: Aini Kamal, Masters Student, UCL EGA Institute for Women’s Health

Chair: Dr Edward Russell-Smith

E7: Adult Safeguarding - A broad view of the impact of domestic abuse across the lifecourse, with a focus on the impact on those with protected characteristics (10:10-11:10) *FULLY BOOKED*

CPD: Clinical Topics

*Session at capacity*

Domestic abuse is appalling in its toll on the people and families affected. It is an abuse of human rights and a major public health problem because of the long-term consequences for people who have experienced it. As well as the personal tragic impact on every family affected, domestic abuse costs public services £4 billion each year, with the NHS bearing almost half of this cost.

We know people of all ages and backgrounds can experience this pernicious form of harm, but we are playing closer attention to the complex interplay between domestic abuse, poverty and intersectionality.

This talk aims to offer information and resources to support us all to ask the right questions and so help to end the cycle of abuse.

Chair: Dr Ursula Mason

Networking break, exhibition and ePoster viewing

10:55 - 11:55

Poster Discussions

11:05 - 11:45


SS15: La Roche-Posay & CeraVe sponsored Session on Sun-kissed or sun-cursed? *FULLY BOOKED*

Sponsored Sessions

*Session at capacity*

Sunlight plays a pivotal role in stimulating vitamin D synthesis, essential for optimum skin and general health. Sunshine can also alleviate certain inflammatory skin conditions, like psoriasis and eczema. Yet the cumulative effects of ultraviolet radiation can compromise the skin’s structural integrity leading to photoaging. More critically, prolonged and unprotected sun exposure substantially increases the risk of developing melanoma, keratinocyte and other skin cancers. Over the last 50 years, the UK has witnessed a steep increase in all skin cancers. Women and especially younger age groups, show higher skin cancer rates. This talk will outline skin cancer risk and optimum preventative measures.

Chair: Dr Aaliya Goyal, representing the RCGP

SS16: Embracing tomorrow's healthcare: balancing innovation and risk - applying professional guidance and legal principles in evolving primary care environments sponsored by MDDUS *FULLY BOOKED*

Sponsored Sessions

*Session at capacity*

Sponsored Session on Idemnity by MDDUS

Developments in technology and in AI are being utilised to empower patients and improve efficiency and effectiveness of the primary care team. New models of patient care including triage, consultation and review are emerging in a range of ways.

Chair: Dr Alex Lai, representing the RCGP

SS17: The nuts and bolts of digital therapeutics - How digital behaviour-change coaching can support patients in achieving Type 2 Diabetes remission sponsored by Liva Health *FULLY BOOKED*

Sponsored Sessions

*Session at capacity*

There is increasing adoption of digital health tools to support people living with type 2 diabetes. NHS England is currently piloting digitally-delivered versions of the Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission (T2DR) Programme. Digital personalised services have the potential to overcome many of the barriers people may face in accessing healthcare. Early outcomes are encouraging, with a mean HbA1c reduction of 14mmol/mol and a mean weight loss of 12.3% at 6 months.1

Despite this, awareness of the programme within primary care remains low.

GP Dr Rahul Thakur shares his insights as Clinical Lead for the remote T2DR programme within Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB.

1 Liva Healthcare mid-programme service evaluation

Chair: Dr Chris Provan, representing the RCGP



SS18: Continuity of care in general practice in cardio-renal disease sponsored by AstraZeneca *FULLY BOOKED*

Sponsored Sessions

*Session at capacity*

This is a promotional symposium sponsored and organised by AstraZeneca

This session investigates the management of hyperkalaemia. It explores what it means to go beyond traditional treatments and focuses on managing cardiovascular and renal patients with hyperkalaemia. It then looks into a real-life case study, and what the benefits of implementing guideline directed medicine therapy can be for your patients and your practice.

Chair: Dr Steve Holmes, representing the RCGP


SS19: Science and Leadership during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic sponsored by Moderna *FULLY BOOKED*

Sponsored Sessions

*Session at capacity*

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has been arguably the largest global public health threat since the 1918 influenza pandemic, or the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Governments around the world faced a rapidly encroaching threat, against a backdrop of a globalized world economy, and almost instant dissemination of information (and misinformation). There were no vaccines or antiviral drugs initially available. In that space, science, clinical medicine, public health, politics, and leadership became rapidly intertwined. Prof. Van-Tam served as Deputy Chief Medical Officer (England) during that turbulent and difficult period and, in this lecture, will offer his unique perspective on what happened, and why.

Chair: Dr Onyinye Okonkwo, representing the RCGP

11:55 - 12:40

F1: HALT-ing Homelessness: A tool to identify housing insecurity in primary care

Health Inequalities

Patients could be at risk of losing their home when they interact with primary care clinicians. Acknowledging the grave health outcomes associated with homelessness, identification and prevention is crucial where possible. But how will we know?

Together with the Centre for Homelessness Impact, a research team at Queen’s University, Belfast have identified tools being used in healthcare to identify housing issues for referral to support services, aiming to introduce a tool of this nature to everyday practice in the United Kingdom and Ireland. This session summarises the journey so far with the opportunity to reflect your own experiences.

F2: Antimicrobial resistance -The patient perspective


GPs face many challenges and pressures around antibiotic prescribing. Antibiotic resistance is already a global problem with 700,000 deaths every year attributed to antibiotic resistant infections and predictions of 10M by 2050 if the problem is not successfully addressed. The need for antibiotic stewardship and responsible prescribing is balanced against patient pressures to receive the perceived “wonder drugs”. This session illustrates the impact of resistant infection from patient perspectives, updates on current issues in antimicrobial resistance and the work of the patient support service at the charity Antibiotic Research UK .

Chair: Dr Jamie Hynes

F3: Where it all starts: primary care placements are the future of medical student teaching in the UK, which is the future of the NHS.

Medical Education

Primary care is pivotal to the future of medical student teaching in the UK. The Labour party have already stated they intend to double medical student numbers if they win the next election. However, without an oven-ready blueprint for strengthening and expanding undergraduate primary care education, plans such as these are likely to fail. This session describes the current nature, value, imperatives, and challenges regarding clinical teaching in the primary care setting. It will then suggest solutions and cast a vision for the future of teaching medical students in general practice … which is the future of the NHS.

Chair: Dr Ursula Mason

F4: The Future General Practitioner: What will I need to thrive in Primary Care?

RCGP Priorities

General Practice has seen another challenging year of high workloads, difficulties in retention and a stretched workforce. Join our panel for an interactive discussion around the tools and strategies we need to thrive in Primary Care. 

Chair: Dr Emma Wong

F5: Audit & Practice Survey Short Papers

Audit to assess responses to suspected cancer EMIS alerts for patients with unexplained thrombocytosis in general practice.

Presenter: Isabella Busa, Medical Student, University of Oxford

Ask About Alcohol: Audit of alcohol intake quantification during general practice consultations for depression ,

Presenter: Andrew Macaulay, Foundation Doctor, NHS GGC

Survey of Menopause management in General Practice. Improvement recommendations including using the Greene Climacteric Score

Presenter: Charles Numbere, Doctor, West Midlands Deanery

Audit of routine preschool immunisation uptake in an ethnically diverse, socially disadvantaged local authority

Presenter: Yunzila Mirza, Foundation Year 1 Doctor, Yunzila Mirza

Chair: Dr Jane Wilcock

F6: Child Sexual Abuse: Learning lessons from the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) and how we in primary care can identify, and respond to, child sexual abuse (11:55-12:55) *FULLY BOOKED*

CPD: Clinical Topics

*Session at capacity*

Child Sexual Abuse: Learning lessons from the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) and how we in primary care can identify, and respond to, child sexual abuse

Level 3

Chair: Dr Rowena Christmas, GP

Lunch, networking break, exhibition and ePoster viewing

12:40 - 13:40



SS20: Talk menopause transform lives sponsored by Besins

Sponsored Sessions

This is a promotional symposium sponsored by Besins Healthcare.

Chair: Dr Dirk Pilat, representing the RCGP

Besins Healthcare

SS21: Migraine Management in Primary Care: New NHS Guidance and the role of an oral CGRP receptor antagonist sponsored by Pfizer

Sponsored Sessions

Prescribing information for GB and NI can be found here.
Adverse event reporting can be found at the bottom of this page.

This is a promotional symposium intended for UK HCPs, organised and funded by Pfizer Ltd. Please note, this
session will discuss Pfizer products. Job code: PP-NNT-GBR-0927; Date of preparation: October 2023.

This 45-minute symposium will provide GPs with an update on the new NNAG Headache Pathway, GIRFT Outpatient Guidance and Scottish pathways published in 2023 to get an understanding of the changing headache management/treatment pathways, and their integration into primary care. It will briefly highlight the burden and current unmet needs experienced by people living with migraine and provide an overview of the current treatment options available within primary care. Case studies will be used to help illustrate common management scenarios and patient profiles within primary care.

Chair: Dr Chris Williams, representing the RCGP

Adverse events should be reported. Reporting forms and information can be found at or search for MHRA Yellow Card in Google Play or Apple App Store. Adverse events should also be reported to Pfizer Medical Information on 01304 616161

SS22: Sponsored Session by AstraZeneca *FULLY BOOKED*

Sponsored Sessions

*Session at capacity*

This is a promotional symposium sponsored and organised by AstraZeneca

Chair: Dr Khaled Zeidan, representing the RCGP




SS23: Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

SS24: Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

13:40 - 14:25

G1: Leadership and management education for general practice careers: learning from evaluation of the Next Generation GP Programme *FULLY BOOKED*

Medical Education

This highly interactive session will use the findings of an independent academic evaluation of the Next Generation GP development programme to explore and debate how the management and leadership educational needs of GPs might be met in the UK over the coming decade. Consideration will be given to how this increasingly important area of medical education can be designed and offered so that GP trainees and GPs at all stages of their career are well-prepared and supported for leadership roles within practices, multi-disciplinary teams, primary care or locality networks, at-scale primary care organisations, and integrated care systems or health boards.

G2: Working together to improve menopause care

CPD: Clinical Topics

The menopause is an important life stage for many women and has attracted much media attention recently. Apart from hot flushes and night sweats, there are other non-specific symptoms which can present to the primary care clinician. The management can include, but not limited to, hormone treatments but not everyone wants or needs them.

Using case studies, we will discuss when menopause could be considered as part of a holistic assessment without medicalising it, how to have honest conversations about utility of hormone treatments and what other management strategies could be considered.

This workshop does not cover the therapeutics.

G3: RCGP Research Showcase: The power of General Practice and a land of opportunity

Research & Innovation

Research has a vital role in improving patient care. The RCGP supports research in many ways offering many opportunities for GPs. This session will explore these opportunities and show the true power of General Practice. It will celebrate (with the NIHR) the many recent incredible achievements including the largest, fastest recruiting community trial worldwide (PANORAMIC).

This session includes the Oxford-RCGP Research and Surveillance Centre (RSC), and how it informs research, college policy, disease spread and vaccine effectiveness. This has a direct patient benefit and opportunities for GPs to engage and deliver research in their own practice.

G5: Wining Poster presentations

Short papers

Chair: Dr Louise Sands

G6: Child Safeguarding Child Sexual Abuse: Learning lessons from the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) and how we in primary care can identify, and respond to, child sexual abuse (13:40-14:40) *FULLY BOOKED*

CPD: Clinical Topics

*Session at capacity*

Child Sexual Abuse: Learning lessons from the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) and how we in primary care can identify, and respond to, child sexual abuse

Level 3

Chair: Dr Sian Tucker

Networking break, exhibition and ePoster viewing

14:25 - 15:25



SS25: Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

*Session at capacity*

Prescribing information for GB and NI can be found here.
Adverse event reporting can be found at the bottom of this page.

This is a promotional symposium intended for UK HCPs, organised and funded by Pfizer Ltd. Please note, this
session will discuss Pfizer products. Job code: PP-NNT-GBR-0927; Date of preparation: October 2023.

This 45-minute symposium will provide GPs with an update on the new NNAG Headache Pathway, GIRFT Outpatient Guidance and Scottish pathways published in 2023 to get an understanding of the changing headache management/treatment pathways, and their integration into primary care. It will briefly highlight the burden and current unmet needs experienced by people living with migraine and provide an overview of the current treatment options available within primary care. Case studies will be used to help illustrate common management scenarios and patient profiles within primary care.

Chair: Dr Chris Williams, representing the RCGP

Adverse events should be reported. Reporting forms and information can be found at or search for MHRA Yellow Card in Google Play or Apple App Store. Adverse events should also be reported to Pfizer Medical Information on 01304 616161

SS26: Migraine Management in Primary Care: New NHS Guidance and the role of an oral CGRP receptor antagonist sponsored by Pfizer *FULLY BOOKED*

Sponsored Sessions

SS27: La Roche-Posay & CeraVe sponsored Session on Sun-kissed or sun-cursed? *FULLY BOOKED*

Sponsored Sessions

*Session at capacity*

Sunlight plays a pivotal role in stimulating vitamin D synthesis, essential for optimum skin and general health. Sunshine can also alleviate certain inflammatory skin conditions, like psoriasis and eczema. Yet the cumulative effects of ultraviolet radiation can compromise the skin’s structural integrity leading to photoaging. More critically, prolonged and unprotected sun exposure substantially increases the risk of developing melanoma, keratinocyte and other skin cancers. Over the last 50 years, the UK has witnessed a steep increase in all skin cancers. Women and especially younger age groups, show higher skin cancer rates. This talk will outline skin cancer risk and optimum preventative measures.

Chair: Dr Peter Burke, representing the RCGP



SS28: Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

Chair: Dr Khaled Zeidan, representing the RCGP

SS29: Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

SS30: Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

15:25 - 16:10

H1: How simulation can be used to enhance interprofessional working and the management of acutely unwell patients in a primary care environment *FULLY BOOKED*

CPD: Clinical Topics

All areas of the National Health Service are under increasing pressure and with Accident and Emergency departments advising patients to avoid attending and waits for ambulances becoming longer, more acutely ill patients are presenting to us in primary care. Therefore, being able to recognise and manage unwell patients attending GP practices has never been more vital. Optimal management of the patient necessitates a whole team approach.

In this workshop we will demonstrate how simulation training around managing emergencies empowers practice teams to manage acutely unwell patients safely and efficiently.

Chair: Dr Sharon Russell

H2: Young People and Social media, the good, the bad and the ugly

Health & Wellbeing

It’s becoming increasingly clear that social media is having a detrimental effect on the mental health and wellbeing of our young people.

It’s unclear if the online safety bill currently under review in parliament will be able to reverse some of the harms arising.

This session proposes to provide an overview of the current evidence in this area, what can and is being done to combat the harm from social media, and a suite of approaches for use in practice when talking to young people and their carers about social media use, eg communication skills, use of patient engagement tools, signposting to helpful websites/apps.

H3: An appraisal and active discussion of how best to equip GPs to thrive in a modern primary care workforce

Medical Education

The speakers will explore the range skills required to work effectively as a GP in the context of a rapidly expansing multi-professional workforce.

Participants will be asked to discuss and share which skills are of the highest priority to be taught and developed during GP training and in the first years post completion of training.

The speakers will present an overview of some ideas to aid the discussion. This will include a presentation of an innovative approach to developing the supervision skills of GPs in training in East Devon.

H4: Neurodiversity in the General Practice workforce

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in General Practice

With an estimated 15-20% of the population considered to be ‘neurodivergent’, an awareness of neurodiversity in our patients is essential for delivering high-quality care. However, we believe that recognising neurodivergence in both our colleagues and ourselves is equally important, for our own wellbeing as well as that of our patients and the workforce as a whole. In this session, we will use interactive case studies informed by the lived experience of neurodivergent healthcare staff with Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia and Dyspraxia to explore how to recognise this undervalued group, access individual support and create a more ‘neurodiversity-friendly’ practice environment.

Chair: Dr Ursula Mason

H5: Basic Life Support (inc AED) (15:25-16:25) *FULLY BOOKED*

CPD: Clinical Topics

*Session at capacity*

Basic Life Support

Level 3

16:20 - 17:20


Chair: Professor Kamila Hawthorne MBE, Chair of RCGP Council, RCGP

Research paper of the year

John Hunt Lecture: Professor Brendan Delaney

Presidents Address: Dame Clare Gerada, President, RCGP

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Filter by career stage

Day 1

Day 1 Opening Plenary

09:00 - 10:15

Welcome Talks

Conference Chair’s welcome - Dr Margaret Ikpoh, Vice Chair (Professional Development), RCGP 

Prof. Kamila Hawthorne MBE, Chair, RCGP Council 

Prof. Sally Lewis, Value in Health Management, Swansea University 

Prof. Bob Klaber, Consultant General Paediatrician; Director of Strategy, Research & Innovation at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust 


10:15 - 11:15

Sponsored sessions

10:20 - 11:05

SS.1 The Role of Primary Care in Migraine Treatment: Recent Advances in Acute and Preventive Approaches

Sponsored Sessions

10:20 - 10:50

SS.2 The importance of diagnosing myeloma earlier

Sponsored Sessions

Myeloma patients experience some of the longest delays in diagnosis of all cancer patients. These delays leave many patients with extensive, yet avoidable, complications. Dr Stephen Hawkins, a consultant haematologist, will explore the issue of delayed diagnosis of myeloma and highlight its impact on patients. You will also hear from Mark Scott a myeloma patient, who experienced life-changing complications due to a delayed diagnosis. The session will highlight Myeloma UK’s initiatives designed to support healthcare professionals across the diagnostic pathway to improve the care of myeloma patients.

10:20 - 10:50

SS.3 Overview of the hepatitis C elimination programme and progress to date.

Sponsored Sessions

In the 30-minute presentation slot, Mark and Aneesha will cover the following:

  • Overview of the hepatitis C elimination programme and progress to date. 
  • Priorities for the hepatitis C elimination programme in 2024/25 and 2025/26. 
  • The important role primary care has to play in identifying remaining undiagnosed hepatitis C infections and how attendees can be involved in the elimination programme. 
  • The important role primary care will have to play in testing/referring for treatment when we reach the ‘maintaining elimination’ phase. 
  • There will also be a chance for attendees to ask questions to Mark and Aneesha.

10:55 - 11:10

SS.4 Sponsored session

Sponsored Sessions

10:55 - 11:10

SS.5 Introducing Gedeon Richter’s Women’s Health portfolio (promotional presentation)

Sponsored Sessions

Highlighting some of the products in our women’s health portfolio

11:15 - 12:00

11:15 - 12:00

1.1 Responding to emergencies in Primary Care: From GP registrars to GP administrators

Leadership & MDT Interactive session GP Registrar

45 minutes

Within military medical centres and in the role one space, medical officers are required to ensure they and their teams remain up to date in responding to medical emergencies. We spend time in GP training upskilling trainees in pre-hospital care in preparation for potential deployments to austere environments.  But how often do we run scenarios in our GP practices to help us and our teams deal with medical emergencies? With increasing time and manning pressures, how do we integrate emergency practice in a safe space? 

In this session we will learn from each other's current practice. Attendees will be provided with pre-prepared moulages to trial in the session and take away with them to trial in their own workplace. 

11:15 - 12:00

1.2 Ageism – how it undermines our careers, our care for patients, and our contribution to the workforce

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in General Practice Interactive session Later careers

45 minutes

Age is the one protected characteristic that all of us experience – but it is often forgotten. Ageism at any stage can expose us to discrimination and negative attitudes, and can influence our options and opportunities. In earlier years, it can act as a barrier to new roles and development. Later, the transition for GPs towards retirement can mean loss of status, and unnecessary loss of productive work roles. This workshop will use evidence and examples from members of lived experience of conscious and unconscious bias to raise awareness, and help us be ‘active bystanders’ to confront ageism.

11:15 - 12:00

1.3 To the guidelines and beyond - Improving asthma care for our population

CPD: Clinical Topics Presentation First5 GP Registrar

45 minutes

Asthma affects 5.4million people in the UK across age groups. The vast majority of diagnoses and long term management throughout life is in primary care. National guidelines (BTS / NICE / SIGN) released in November 2024 suggest very significant changes to making the  diagnosis and in management of asthma across the UK. This session will discuss the pragmatic practicalities of implementation and cover the clinical tips that will help improve care (support planetary health) and make clinical care easier. It will be aimed at the active clinician wanting to improve the care they provide.

11:15 - 12:00

1.4 How to get involved in research in Primary Care


45 minutes

11:15 - 12:00

1.5 Bridging the gaps in health equity. Meaningful activity and work as a health outcome. The role of the GP practice

Health Inequalities Presentation

45 minutes

Meaningful activity/work is a determinant of health and as GPs, at the heart of the community, we see the impact that good and bad work has on our patients every day. The evidence is overwhelming. In 2019 the AoMRC launched its work and health consensus statement detailing how the health service could respond to this health inequality, yet very little has changed. The updated consensus statement will be relaunched in 2025. We will show you how you could make small changes within your consultation to help reduce this health inequality in your patients and demonstrate the benefit it can bring.

11:15 - 12:15

1.6 Adult Safeguarding

60 minutes

11:15 - 12:15

1.7 Basic Life Support Workshop

Recap and refresh on BLS, CPR procedures, CPR, Adult, Child, Infant from the UK Resus Guidelines, and Agonal Gasping. 

Practise CPR on Adult, Child and Infant manikins, and how to use an AED (Training Defibrillator)

On leaving the course everyone will leave with a Certificate of Attendance for the BLS session, stating that Adult, Infant and Child CPR has been included and safe use of an AED, a first aid book and a revive aid face shield.

Oral Poster Presentations

11:15 - 12:00

1.8 Oral Poster Presentations

45 minutes

11:15 - 12:00

1.9 Oral Poster Presentations

45 minutes

12:10 - 12:55

12:10 - 12:55

2.1 Managing Multiple Medicines: Case-based workshop

CPD: Clinical Topics Interactive session First5 GP Registrar

45 minutes

“If I take any more pills, I’ll rattle doctor” … What can we do?

Prescribing is one of our key skills. Medicines can be life saving but can also cause harm. We are dealing with considerable complexity, how do we navigate the risks and benefits?  This workshop aims to build confidence in Managing Multiple Medicines and will be based on real-life case scenarios, with opportunity to discuss, share good practice and consider everyday medicines dilemmas. We will highlight tips & tools to take back to practice.

Join Dr Lucy Pollock, consultant geriatrician & author and Tessa Lewis, GP to navigate the challenges. 

12:10 - 12:55

2.2 Thriving in Diverse Environments: A Wellbeing Framework

Health & Wellbeing Interactive session GP Registrar

45 minutes

12:10 - 12:55

2.3 Highlighting the Best of General Practice Research

45 minutes

This session demonstrates the range of wonderful research that has been conducted in and with general practice. The winners of the RCGP Research Paper of the Year present their findings and implications for you in your practice. The studies presented often influence evidence-based guidelines which influence our practice. We will also hear from the Outstanding Early Career Researchers. Come along and see how you can get involved in research in your practice.

12:10 - 12:55

2.4 Healthy people, healthy planet: how lifestyle medicine and sustainability are two sides of the same coin

Sustainability Presentation GP Registrar

45 minutes

The session explores how lifestyle medicine's six pillars—nutrition, physical activity, sleep, stress management, substance reduction, and social connection—promote both personal health and environmental sustainability. This session will highlight the intersection of healthcare practices that benefit individuals and the planet, with insights from Greener Practice and resources from the RCGP’s Net Zero hub. Attendees will learn how adopting sustainable practices in healthcare not only improves patient outcomes but also reduces the sector’s environmental impact, supporting a healthier future for all.

12:10 - 12:55

2.5 Skilled worker visa rules and their effect on GP training (Live experience from IMG recently qualified GP)

Medical Education Presentation First5

45 minutes

The aim of the session is to increase awareness among colleagues in primary care about the skilled worker visa rules and their impact on training and on trainees and newly qualified GPs.

A significant number of our GP Registrars are international medical graduates; and a significant - and rising - number are new to the UK when they start their GP training.

Working whilst on a visa brings additional challenges - logistical, financial, and emotional - which those who have not experienced it may not be aware of.

This session will share lived experience of training and post-CCT life on a visa. In addition, it will share information on the visa requirements that new NHS GPs may continue to have post-CCT and encourage colleagues to explore how their practices could become visa sponsors.

2.6 - coming soon

12:30 - 13:30

2.7 Basic Life Support Workshop

Recap and refresh on BLS, CPR procedures, CPR, Adult, Child, Infant from the UK Resus Guidelines, and Agonal Gasping. 

Practise CPR on Adult, Child and Infant manikins, and how to use an AED (Training Defibrillator)

On leaving the course everyone will leave with a Certificate of Attendance for the BLS session, stating that Adult, Infant and Child CPR has been included and safe use of an AED, a first aid book and a revive aid face shield.

Oral Poster Presentations

12:10 - 12:55

2.8 Oral Poster Presentations

45 minutes

12:10 - 12:55

2.9 Oral Poster Presentations

45 minutes


12:55 - 14:10

Sponsored sessions

13:00 - 13:45

SS.6 Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

13:00 - 13:45

SS.7 Managing Chronic Insomnia in Primary Care - Real-World Experience

Sponsored Sessions

  • Introduction, Sleep Project and Chronic Insomnia in Primary Care, Dr Eidn Mahmoudzadeh, GP, Manchester

  • Case studies in treating Chronic Insomnia, Dr Zoe Schaedel, GP, Brighton

  • Questions and Answers.

13:00 - 13:30

SS.8 Effective Contraceptive Counselling

Sponsored Sessions

This promotional presentation has been fully funded and developed by Organon

Attendees will be given an insight into how to effectively counsel women on range of contraceptive options

13:35 - 13:50

SS.9 Probiotic Supplementation in Adults with Major Depressive Disorder

Sponsored Sessions

This talk will:

Outline briefly the role of the gut-brain axis in depressive disorders and the potential of gut microbiome modulation in mental health;

Present findings from a pilot clinical trial recently published in JAMA Psychiatry:

  • The trial evaluated the effects of an 8 week daily consumption of a 14-strain probiotic blend in adults with Major Depressive Disorder;
  • The results suggested consistent and promising beneficial effects of the probiotic on self-rated and clinician-rated depression and anxiety scores, as well as high acceptability and tolerability;
  • The trial was conducted at King’s College London, in collaboration with ADM Protexin.
The importance of these findings, highlighting the benefits of supplementing the diet with probiotics for mental health, will be discussed.

13:50 - 14:05

SS.11 Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

13:50 - 14:05

SS.10 Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

13:55 - 14:05

SS.12 Making the most of the NHS Pensions Scheme

Sponsored Sessions

A short session on why the NHS pension scheme matters and how to plan for your long term retirement goals.

14:10 - 14:55

14:10 - 14:55

3.1 Creating Empathic Teams in Primary Care

Health & Wellbeing Interactive session

45 minutes

Empathy is a powerful force in healthcare, boosting patient outcomes, practitioner well-being, and reducing complaints. But what about empathy within teams? This interactive session dives into the importance of empathy between colleagues, backed by evidence that it enhances service user outcomes and practitioner resilience. Despite empathy often declining during medical training, research shows it can be taught—and its impact multiplies when healthcare teams work cohesively. Join us to explore the evidence, engage in discussions, and create practical action plans to cultivate a more empathic, connected primary care team.

14:10 - 14:55

3.2 GP trainers and supervisors - tales of outstanding achievement

Medical Education Interactive session GP trainers

45 minutes

Following the outstanding success of the GP trainer session at the 2024 RCGPAC, Margaret and I would like to keep GP trainer support on the agenda.  It was noted at the conference (and in council) that the deaneries are not prioritising trainer support and the RCGP and local faculties can add value to members through this route.  From the session we have some practical and achievable ideas to help support GP trainers and supervisors, which can be implemented quickly.  The ideas will involve little in the way of administration, cost very little indeed and have a high impact.  What we would like to do is share what has happened across the 4 nations, working in collaboration with COGPED (they were very supportive of the session that we ran this year) and energise GP trainers with both practical support, recognising excellence and reinforcing the importance of the RCGP to the training community.

14:10 - 14:55

3.3 Sex, drugs & rock n roll: Equipping GPs with skills & confidence to tackle tough topics in the care of children and young people using the HEADSS assessment

CPD: Clinical Topics Presentation

45 minutes

We know that primary care clinicians are encountering more distressed young people than ever before and may feel ill equipped to assess, signpost and support them with their wellbeing. This session is a dynamic, interactive presentation exploring recent advances and evidence-based, developmentally appropriate healthcare through a deep dive into the backend of the HEADSS assessment. Let's explore how we approach talking to adolescents and young people about Sex, Drugs, and maybe a little bit of Rock and Roll, and how we can improve so our young people feel safe and seen and our clinicians feel empowered and confident.

14:10 - 14:55

3.4 - Session to follow

RCGP Priorities Livestream

45 minutes

14:10 - 14:55

3.5 Chronic Disease Management of Asylum Seekers and Refugees

Health Inequalities Presentation

45 minutes

This session will go through the journey of managing a primary health care centre in a conflict zone from the experience of both speakers who have worked with UK-Med as General Practitioners. We will discuss how we created a chronic disease register and how difficult it was to manage chronic diseases without the necessary resources. We will then discuss in the 2nd half of the talk how important it is to tackle chronic diseases and the common health challenges of refugees and asylum seekers in the UK, giving an insight into why these conditions are poorly controlled.

14:10 - 15:10

3.6 Safeguarding

CPD Essentials Fully booked

60 minutes

14:10 - 15:10

3.7 Basic Life Support Workshop

CPD Essentials

60 minutes

Recap and refresh on BLS, CPR procedures, CPR, Adult, Child, Infant from the UK Resus Guidelines, and Agonal Gasping. 

Practise CPR on Adult, Child and Infant manikins, and how to use an AED (Training Defibrillator)

On leaving the course everyone will leave with a Certificate of Attendance for the BLS session, stating that Adult, Infant and Child CPR has been included and safe use of an AED, a first aid book and a revive aid face shield.

Oral Poster Presentations

14:10 - 14:55

3.8 Oral Poster Presentations

45 minutes

14:10 - 14:55

3.9 Oral Poster Presentations

45 minutes

15:05 - 15:50

15:05 - 15:50

4.1 Developing the educator with the Shaping the Future programme - Action learning sets

Medical Education Interactive session

45 minutes

The flagship RCGP leadership programme Shaping the Future employs the principles and situational learning that is central to Action Learning Sets.

This workshop is aimed at GPs,  GP registrars and ACPs and AHPs who wish to attain additional knowledge and skills around small group facilitation, specifically action learning set methodology. Through our feedback from the Shaping the Future programme, the small group working has consistently been rated as the best and most valued aspect of the programme.  Bringing together peer learning and shared problem solving within a safe space, deep learning and active reflection occurs.

At the end of the session participants will be equipped with new knowledge and skills in the theory and practice of action learning sets to take forward in their own settings.

15:05 - 15:50

4.2 Tips from the top - successful medical leaders share what to do, what not to do and how you can go as far as you want as a GP leader

Leadership & MDT Interactive session First5 GP Registrar

45 minutes

Women, people from black and ethnic communities and disabled people are under-represented in chair and non-executive roles in the NHS.  The Messenger review of NHS leadership, published in June 2022, highlighted within its recommendations the importance of equality, diversity and inclusive leadership. Proportionally GPs are less likely than other medical and other clinical professionals to gain regional and national leadership roles. Clinical CEOs come from varied clinical backgrounds, with 42% from mental health (including psychiatry) and 12% trained in paediatrics. 

This has been brought to the RCGP by members who hope the RCGP can provide developmental opportunities.

The RCGP has a successful Shaping the future leadership programme with Northern Ireland and Faculty participants and a valued offering in Wales. Once a member has graduated from one of these or equivalent leadership programmes, they become eligible to apply to our shadowing scheme where developing GP leaders shadow an established leader for a day or two. Alongside this we provide mentoring of leaders and mentoring by leaders and are considering a leadership coaching offer. This session aims to change the current lack of GPs being accepted onto Aspiring Chief Executive Leadership programmes by a presentation from GP leaders of their routes to their roles focusing particularly on increasing GP leaders from less well-represented groups. GPs from the global majority remain proportionally under-represented in senior positions and the numbers with declared disabilities are particularly low. 

15:05 - 15:50

4.3 Vibrant Faculties

Health & Wellbeing Livestream AiT and GP training

45 minutes

This session will explore what it means to be a leader and uncover leadership opportunties within the College. Through engaging with your local Faculty, these are closer than you think!

Come and find out more about experience and skills you can gain through engaging with your Faculty Board and hear about the groundbreaking ‘Shaping the Future’ leadership programme being delivered to members through RCGP Faculties.

15:05 - 15:50

4.4 Connection is your SuperPower - sharing lessons learned from over 15 years of NHS Practitioner Health. An organisation built on connection.

Health & Wellbeing Presentation

45 minutes

Connection is your Superpower – Sharing lessons from NHS Practitioner Health, arguably the happiest place to work in the world!

Join us for an interactive session that reveals the secrets behind the UK’s NHS Practitioner Health's success as a world-leading mental health and addiction service for healthcare professionals. Built on compassion, care, and connection, we will share evidence-based strategies that strengthen human and social bonds—proven to boost team performance, enhance mental health, and even improve longevity. Discover practical tools we use to foster psychological safety and create thriving work environments. Learn our innovative "5 a day" approach to connection, and leave feeling inspired, energised, and equipped with an action plan to enhance wellbeing in yourself and your teams.

15:05 - 15:50

4.5 Getting it right first time: Genomics-informed prescribing emerges as a tool to improve medicines optimisation in Primary Care

CPD: Clinical Topics Presentation

45 minutes

Pharmacogenomics underpins genomics-informed prescribing, utilising genomic variation to predict medication effectiveness and adverse reactions at patient-level.  NICE guidance CYP2C19 genotype testing to guide clopidogrel use after ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack was published in 2024 with immediate impact in primary care; CYP2C19 genotype is relevant in guiding prescription of Clopidogrel and other common primary care medications including SSRIs and PPIs.  The session will increase confidence of Primary Care prescribers in deploying genomics-informed prescribing by equipping them with an understanding of Pharmacogenomics, implications, and work streams and informatics solutions to support delivery within primary care prescribing workflows and daily clinical practice.

15:25 - 16:25

4.6 Coming soon

CPD Essentials Fully booked

60 minutes

15:25 - 16:25

4.7 Basic Life Support Workshop

CPD Essentials

Recap and refresh on BLS, CPR procedures, CPR, Adult, Child, Infant from the UK Resus Guidelines, and Agonal Gasping. 

Practise CPR on Adult, Child and Infant manikins, and how to use an AED (Training Defibrillator)

On leaving the course everyone will leave with a Certificate of Attendance for the BLS session, stating that Adult, Infant and Child CPR has been included and safe use of an AED, a first aid book and a revive aid face shield.

Oral Poster Presentations

15:05 - 15:50

4.8 Oral Poster Presentations

45 minutes

15:05 - 15:50

4.9 Oral Poster Presentations

45 minutes


15:50 - 16:50

Sponsored Sessions

15:55 - 16:25

SS.13 Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

15:55 - 16:40

SS.14 Treatment of opioid dependence within Primary Care: As rewarding for GPs as it is for patients?

Sponsored Sessions

People with drug dependency are often stigmatised and perceived as ‘complex’ and difficult patients to manage. Consequently, specialist addiction services are largely responsible for treating this cohort. However, there are examples from around the UK, where Primary Care has been shown to be an effective care model for some patients, particularly those who are stable on opioid dependence treatment.
In this symposium, we will showcase a GP Shared Care model in South Wales as an example of a service that is delivering a high standard of holistic care for people with drug dependency, with the prospect that this model could be applied successfully elsewhere.
The GP Lead will discuss her experiences of delivering care for patients, the perceived advantages for patients and GPs, patient outcomes and practical advice on implementation.
We will then hear from a person with lived experience of drug use and hear their perspectives on how treatment within Primary Care has assisted them on their recovery journey.

15:55 - 16:25

SS.15 Prostate Cancer, Barriers to Presentation, Myths and Misconceptions

Sponsored Sessions

Early prostate cancer is often asymptomatic, and as a result almost half (47%) of men are not diagnosed until their cancer has started to advance - when it is harder to treat, and their chances of survival are falling. What do we know about the barriers for men talking to their GP? With a safer pathway in place, how can we ensure highest risk patients are engaging with Primary Care?

In this session we will look at the research that shows barriers to patient presentation in prostate health. We will discuss the digital rectal examination and when to do it, and how to manage high-risk Patients.

16:30 - 16:50

SS.16 Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

16:30 - 16:50

SS.17 Breast Cancer Now: Supporting GPs to support their patients.

Sponsored Sessions

Around 55,000 women and 400 men are diagnosed with breast cancer every year in the UK. Around 60% of breast cancer cases in England are diagnosed because women identify unusual changes in their breast and report these to their GP.This short session will give delegates an overview of the signs and symptoms of primary and metastatic breast cancer and the referral routes. And how Breast Cancer Now can support GPs and other primary care professionals to support all patients affected by breast cancer.

Day 1 Closing Plenary

16:50 - 17:45

16:50 - 17:55

Spotlight: Lived Experience

Three inspirational speakers share their learnings from life's challenges in a series of 15-minute talks

Sabrina Cohen - Hatton, Author, Researcher, Firefighter 

Ashley John- Baptiste, BBC Reporter and Presenter

Day 2

Day 2 Opening Plenary

09:00 - 10:00

09:00 - 10:00

NHS Question Time

Our expert panel answers questions from the audience on all the hot healthcare topics of the day

10:10 - 10:55

10:10 - 10:55

5.1 Stop and Think: Enhancing clinical reasoning in practice

Health Inequalities Interactive session

45 minutes

We will discuss how doctors reason in practice and share common examples of biases that affect our reasoning, the impact they have on patients, and ways to mitigate against these. We will introduce a novel framework, ‘Stop and Think’, and using authentic case-based examples, show the relevance and impact of asking ourselves questions from the framework to support clinical reasoning during a consultation (reflection in-action) as well as afterwards (reflection-on-action ). We will also discuss how we can use questions from the framework to approach challenges related to learners’ clinical reasoning in practice.

10:10 - 10:55

5.2 Can you navigate your way to a GP appointment: an escape room challenge embedded in research into GP access systems

Research & Innovation Interactive session First5 GP Registrar

45 minutes

We present an interactive escape room style small group activity exploring the challenges of navigating GP appointment systems, based on findings from our recent NIHR funded study of access to general practice – Access to General Practice: Innovation, impact and sustainable change.

Using a series of “fiendish” puzzles, we show that while triage systems to get an appointment can seem simple they may be very difficult for some patients, especially when they are unwell. People trying to access general practice may have time constraints in addition to individual and social factors that make using access systems challenging.  We reflect on potential equity and system level implications. 

10:10 - 10:55

5.3 Advance Care Planning: A Masterclass for Frailty and Ordinary Dying

Health & Wellbeing Livestream First5 and Mid careers AiT and GP training Later careers

45 minutes

Recognising “ordinary dying” is a core skill in General Practice, which often provides families with much valued care of their loved one at the end of their life and is equally rewarding for many GPs.

Primary and Community Care deliver the majority of end-of-life care outside of hospital.  In this session, we will explore how fragmentation of care can threaten this important relationship, and how Primary Care has a role in both recognising supporting terminal care for older people in the community.

We will revisit the Gold Standards Framework evidence and provide a useful framework for recognising a deterioration due to frailty how to write an advance care plan with a difference.

10:10 - 10:55

5.4 Child Death - in conversation with a bereaved parent

Health & Wellbeing Presentation GP Registrar

45 minutes

While bereavement in general is a topic that all GPs will be familiar with both professionally and for many personally, bereavement following the death of a child feels different. As a GP who has experienced the death of a child I feel ideally placed to help GPs explore the issues that child bereavement brings for a parent and how they can look to support. This session will be me 'in conservation' about this topic.

10:10 - 10:55

5.5 Session to follow

Medical Education Fully booked

45 minutes

10:10 - 11:10

5.6 Safeguarding

CPD Essentials Fully booked

60 minutes

10:10 - 11:10

5.7 Basic Life Support Workshop

Recap and refresh on BLS, CPR procedures, CPR, Adult, Child, Infant from the UK Resus Guidelines, and Agonal Gasping. 

Practise CPR on Adult, Child and Infant manikins, and how to use an AED (Training Defibrillator)

On leaving the course everyone will leave with a Certificate of Attendance for the BLS session, stating that Adult, Infant and Child CPR has been included and safe use of an AED, a first aid book and a revive aid face shield.

Oral Poster Presentations

10:10 - 10:55

5.8 Oral Poster Presentations

45 minutes

5.9 Oral Poster Presentations


10:55 - 11:55

Sponsored sessions

11:00 - 11:15

SS.18 Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

11:00 - 11:45

SS.19 Role of Digital Therapeutics in Depressive Disorder and Key Considerations for Integration in Practice

Sponsored Sessions

This Industry Satellite Symposium is organised and funded by Otsuka Pharmaceutical Europe Ltd. Information on Otsuka Pharmaceutical Europe Ltd medical devices will be presented at this meeting. This meeting is intended for healthcare professionals only.


General practitioners (GP) play a key role in mental health care and are often the first point of contact for patients with mood disorders.1 Digital therapeutics (DTx) are an emerging non-pharmacological, evidence-based intervention used to diagnose, manage or prevent diseases.2 DTx enables patients to receive treatment remotely and may help address access issues and provide continuity of care.3–5 This session will review the latest research behind CARE for MDD (CT-152) DTx’s mode of action, efficacy and safety profile, and key considerations for implementation alongside standard of care in the GP setting. 


1.      Fleury M-J, et al. BMC Fam Pract. 2012;13:19.

2.      Dang A, et al. J Family Med Prim Care. 2020; 9(5): 2207–2213.

3.      National Institutes of Mental Health. Technology and the Future of Mental Health Treatment. 2023. Available at: Accessed August 2024.

4.      Siwicki B. How virtual reality can help address the mental health professional shortage. 2022. Available at: Accessed August 2024.

5.      One Mind Psyber Guide. Challenges and Opportunities of Mental Health Apps. Available at: Accessed August 2024.

OPE-DM-2400001 (V1.0) August 2024

11:00 - 11:45

SS.20 Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

11:20 - 11:50

SS.21 Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

11:55 - 12:40

11:55 - 12:40

6.1 The role of primary care in genetically informed personalised medicine: A tool for tackling health inequalities

Research & Innovation Interactive session

45 minutes

This session will introduce participants to simple genetic concepts and genetic research relevant to primary care. We will focus on research being undertaken by the session facilitators: how genetic markers indicative of red blood cell conditions, more common in minority ethnic communities, are associated with underestimation of blood glucose by HbA1c. Following this, in small groups, we will use case vignettes to facilitate discussions around proposed pathways to incorporate pharmacogenomics and personalised medicine into primary care.  We’ll discuss the opportunities and pitfalls of personalised medicine; as well as how genomics has the potential to both tackle and exacerbate health inequalities.

11:55 - 12:40

6.2 Toys and Tech - using innovative technology and gamification to develop and implement new teaching for undergraduate medical students

Medical Education Interactive session First5 GP trainers GP Registrar

45 minutes

A fun interactive session looking at ways to introduce toys, technology and games into primary care undergraduate medical education. This session will look at how the community clinical lecturing team collaborated with the learning and teaching academy at Cardiff University, to implement a new teaching day. The day was developed to be an engaging and authentic learning experience to meet the needs of third year undergraduate medical students in helping them to prepare them for their community placements. It includes hands-on demonstrations of 3 components of this day using Lego, a Mr Potato head and Virtual Reality (VR) goggles.

11:55 - 12:40

6.3 Effective consultations for gender identity and sexuality

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in General Practice Presentation First5

45 minutes

This session aims to discuss, offer appropriate advice and help people learn about the GP role in the care of people, of all ages, with concerns about their gender identity or sexuality.

This is not intended to be a debate over the current polarised views that exist with respect to gender identity. This workshop is a pragmatic workshop for GPs and other healthcare professionals seeing people with these issues. A practical, case based, approach to the ten minute consultation and follow up within an healthcare system that is constrained by limited resources and reduced access to services. 

11:55 - 12:40

6.4 Transforming NHS Cancer Screening Engagement: Leveraging Multilingual Resources to Improve Outcomes – A High-Yield Session for Primary Care Professionals!

Health Inequalities Presentation

45 minutes

This session will focus on my project aimed at increasing uptake of the NHS Cancer Screening Programme using multilingual resources. Based on work within an inner-city multi-ethnic Birmingham practice, I will share key findings and demonstrate why these resources are being utilised across the city and reversing negative trends. Attendees will learn strategies for engaging patients from diverse linguistic backgrounds and receive practical tools for implementation in their practice. The session will provide insights on how in primary care, on how primary care professionals can innovate and leverage existing resources to enhance accessibility and care, particularly for non-English speaking communities.

11:55 - 12:40

6.5 How general practice can save the Welsh NHS - Our 2026 Senedd election manifesto launch

Health & Wellbeing Presentation

45 minutes

Our RCGP Conferences are vibrant hubs of discussion about the challenges and opportunities in general practice. When RCGP prepares an election manifesto, we aim to harness those ideas. General Practice in Wales is in crisis. The number of GPs and practices has been falling. Despite these challenges, we believe that with reform and resourcing general practice can not only thrive, but it can be at the forefront of alleviating pressures in the wider NHS.

Hear how RCGP Cymru Wales is making the case that general practice is a big part of the solution to a sustainable Welsh NHS.

11:55 - 12:55

6.6 Safeguarding

10:55 - 12:55

6.7 Basic Life Support Workshop

Recap and refresh on BLS, CPR procedures, CPR, Adult, Child, Infant from the UK Resus Guidelines, and Agonal Gasping. 

Practise CPR on Adult, Child and Infant manikins, and how to use an AED (Training Defibrillator)

On leaving the course everyone will leave with a Certificate of Attendance for the BLS session, stating that Adult, Infant and Child CPR has been included and safe use of an AED, a first aid book and a revive aid face shield.

Oral Poster Presentations

11:55 - 12:40

6.8 Oral Poster Presentations

45 minutes

11:55 - 12:40

6.9 Oral Poster Presentations

45 minutes


12:40 - 13:55

Sponsored Sessions

12:50 - 13:20

SS.22 Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

12:50 - 13:35

SS.23 Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

12:50 - 13:20

SS.24 Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

13:30 - 13:45

SS.25 Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

13:30 - 13:45

SS.26 Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

13:40 - 13:50

SS.27 Making the most of the NHS Pensions Scheme

Sponsored Sessions

A short session on why the NHS pension scheme matters and how to plan for your long term retirement goals.

13:55 - 14:40

13:55 - 14:40

7.1 Teaching with tech: Can Artificial Intelligence help or hinder General Practice education?

Medical Education Interactive session

45 minutes

This session delves into the intersection of traditional educational methods and the rise of AI in planning learning activities for GP trainees and medical students. Dr. Rebecca McConnell and Dr. James Waldron will share insights from their extensive experience in education, exploring the quality, effectiveness, and ethics of AI-assisted educational planning. Participants will compare AI-driven approaches with conventional methods and assess their potential impact. Through interactive activities, attendees will create an educational plan with AI’s assistance and engage in a lively discussion about its risks, benefits, and future implications.

13:55 - 14:40

7.2 The power of debate to promote meaningful inclusion

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in General Practice Interactive session

45 minutes

Debate creates a platform where individuals from varied backgrounds can express their viewpoints. By allowing everyone to participate, it ensures that voices from marginalized or underrepresented groups are heard. Structured debates often require participants to explore opposing views, challenging biases and fostering mutual respect. As a result, participants build empathy, which is foundational to inclusive practices with significant benefits for education, workplace culture and policy. Despite its importance, we are not taught how to debate well and there are no fora that encourage this. This session will explore ways of supporting informed debate within our profession and more widely.  

13:55 - 14:40

7.3 Ask the Chairs

Your GP Career Livestream Later careers

45 minutes

Session details to follow

13:55 - 14:40

7.4 A debate: should injectable weight loss medications be prescribed by GPs to those patients who are eligible?

CPD: Clinical Topics Presentation GP Registrar

45 minutes

Currently we are in a new era where  weight loss medications, such as GLP1 agonists like Semaglutide are being promoted and made available to the general public. 

These medications have been described as safe, effective and transformative for health by some experts.

This session with be in the form of a debate between members of the RCGP ethics committee, with one team for and one against the motion. 

13:55 - 14:40

7.5 Tyfu: growing hidden leadership talent in General Practice trainees in Wales

Leadership & MDT Presentation GP Registrar GP trainers

45 minutes

Our session will provide an overview of the bespoke leadership programme, Tyfu, that we have designed for women GP trainees in Wales who have been identified as requiring additional educational support. We will cover the origins of the programme as well as the content, initial feedback and results.

13:55 - 14:40

7.6 Sharing best practice to reduce health inequalities by engaging ‘Deep End’ GP Practices in health research

Health Inequalities Presentation First5 GP Registrar

In GP practices in areas of blanket deprivation (by Index of Multiple Deprivation), there are several areas of demand and resource mismatch resulting from seeking to serve these areas. It’s difficult to deliver both healthcare and research in these areas but it is essential that practitioners and their patients are given the opportunity to participate in research so that our research is inclusive, diverse and can meet the healthcare needs of underserved populations

This session will explore how engaging and supporting GP practices in these areas to participate in research can reduce health inequalities.

13:55 - 14:55

7.7 Basic Life Support Workshop

Recap and refresh on BLS, CPR procedures, CPR, Adult, Child, Infant from the UK Resus Guidelines, and Agonal Gasping. 

Practise CPR on Adult, Child and Infant manikins, and how to use an AED (Training Defibrillator)

On leaving the course everyone will leave with a Certificate of Attendance for the BLS session, stating that Adult, Infant and Child CPR has been included and safe use of an AED, a first aid book and a revive aid face shield.

Winning Posters

13:55 - 12:40

7.8 Winning Posters

45 minutes


14:40 - 15:40

Sponsored Session

14:45 - 15:15

SS.28 Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

14:45 - 15:15

SS.29 Get to know ‘Good Medical Practice 2024'

Sponsored Sessions

  • The GMC recently published an updated version of Good Medical Practice, the set of standards medical professionals need to follow when working in the UK. 
  • The new standards are a shared understanding of what good practice looks like, for patients and for the professionals the GMC regulate. 
  • Healthcare leaders have a key role in helping to create the respectful, fair and supportive workplaces that Good medical practice is aiming to drive. 
  • Join colleagues from the GMC’s Outreach Team to discuss: 
  • The kind of cultures Good Medical Practice aims to promote 
  • The challenges of establishing and fostering positive, inclusive work cultures in healthcare 
  • The practical strategies healthcare leaders can use to overcome these challenges, and the opportunities they have to do so.

14:45 - 15:00

SS.30 Clinical Indemnity: Training and Guidance

Sponsored Sessions

1. Outcome of the DOH survey in Feb 2023
2. Understand your own risk
3. Training and guidance about clinical indemnity

15:20 - 15:35

SS.31 Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

15:20 - 15:35

SS.32 Inhalers made easy - getting the basics right in primary care.

Sponsored Sessions

Join Dr Steve Holmes for some Top Tips for getting the most out of inhalers. Improve your knowledge of inhaler devices, teaching correct inhaler technique, and ways of supporting patients in Primary Care to get the most from their inhaled medication.

15:20 - 15:35

SS.33 Sponsored Session

Sponsored Sessions

15:40 - 16:25

15:40 - 16:25

8.1 Social Supermarkets: providing a dignified way forward for food insecurity and what General Practice should know

Health Inequalities Interactive session

45 minutes

There is growing acknowledgement of Food Insecurity as an important social determinant of health. Food Banks, initially set up for emergency food provision, are now relied on regularly by many people, including those in paid employment. Linked with this are concerns about the provision of nutritional food for those suffering from Food Insecurity.  In response, various social enterprises “Social Supermarkets” have developed throughout the UK, providing discounted foods with an emphasis on dignity for their users. General Practitioners are often unaware of what local Social Supermarkets offer, including their provision of holistic allied services linked to user wellbeing.

15:40 - 16:25

8.2 Improving cross-sector working - recommendations from the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD)

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in General Practice Livestream First5 and Mid careers

45 minutes

Robust cross-sector working is crucial to support the provision of good quality healthcare.

The National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD) has published over 60 reports on a variety of clinical topics with recommendations to improve both clinical care and the organisation of care. Many of these reports have specifically addressed the importance of a multi-disciplinary team (MDT), which includes primary care, to improve the quality of care provided to patients.

The purpose of this session would be to explore NCEPOD recommendations relevant to primary care, and to discuss ways to increase local implementation.

15:40 - 16:25

8.3 Loud and proud about learning medicine in general practice: how primary care holds the keys to the future of undergraduate medical education in the UK

Medical Education Presentation GP Registrar

45 minutes

For two hundred years, hospitals have been the place to learn medicine in the UK.  Not so primary care, which was late to the party, but has recently become a key factor in undergraduate medical education.  This talk starts by charting the long march of general practice towards increasing legitimacy as a place to learn medicine.  We consider why recent times have seen GP become an increasingly prominent factor in medical education. We then explore what general practice has to offer to medical schools, the challenges we face in delivering student placements - and how we might overcome these.

15:40 - 16:25

8.4 Improving diagnosis of common dermatological conditions in skin of colour

CPD: Clinical Topics Presentation

45 minutes

Dermatology developed as a specialty in Europe in the 19th Century, so the first descriptions of skin conditions were based on their appearance on white skin. However, 200 years later, our textbooks and teaching at every stage of medical education are still lacking in representation of all skin tones. This results in under diagnosis and under treatment of people of non-European ethnicity. 

In this session we will explore the different presentations of common conditions in skin of colour, learning how to recognise and treat people from diverse backgrounds, taking into account lifestyle factors and cultural preferences.

15:40 - 16:25

8.5 Improving General Practice through intelligent use of AI

Research & Innovation Presentation GP Registrar

45 minutes

General practice plays a key role as the primary entry point to the health care system, diagnosing diseases, treating both chronic and acute conditions and coordinating patient care. But general practice is facing many challenges. More people are suffering from multiple conditions, medical records are becoming more extensive and it’s difficult for doctors to identify patterns indicating serious illness. Timely and individualised treatment for each patient is crucial to treat, manage risk and prevent disease in the population.

15:25 - 16:25

8.6 Climate leadership in Primary care

Sustainability Presentation GP Registrar

60 minutes

Greener Practice has undertaken a number of initiatives to support low carbon and sustainable healthcare. We plan to offer practical examples of climate leadership in primary care from the work we have undertaken.

15:25 - 16:25

8.7 Basic Life Support

Recap and refresh on BLS, CPR procedures, CPR, Adult, Child, Infant from the UK Resus Guidelines, and Agonal Gasping. 

Practise CPR on Adult, Child and Infant manikins, and how to use an AED (Training Defibrillator)

On leaving the course everyone will leave with a Certificate of Attendance for the BLS session, stating that Adult, Infant and Child CPR has been included and safe use of an AED, a first aid book and a revive aid face shield.

Closing Plenary

16:25 - 17:30

16:30 - 17:30